ReXxel Dimension
Enter multidimensionality

ReXxel Dimension
is a powerful
and original proposal
to remember who You are



Creation and Joy

ReXxel is a dynamic multidimensional dimension.

I’m Foudyl, Founder of the ReXxel Dimension.

Multidimensionality means you’ve done the beautiful Personal development, moved into Spirituality or energy awareness and now…you want to go beyond…

This is the multidimensional field of ReXxel.

ReXxel Process facilitates entering multidimensionality through an awesome set of new Geometries.
Experience Yourself through intense , short , transformative videos.

Activations facilitate letting go of previous old beliefs, schemas and old paradigms.

Activations allow you to safely enter the present moment , to embrace yourself in your Original being and create a beautiful future in this moment.

ReXxel Dimension is

  • 24 videos energetic Activations
  • a book of knowledge (coming soon)
  • a course of 6 seasons of 4 videos

that are life changing

Feel the vibe,
watch the 2 min trailer

Remember the Perfection You are

Simple is beautiful, just shift the paradigm brought through religion and spirituality (mainly eastern philosophie), You are Perfection, you just forgot it.
The ReXxel spiritual path is all about that, helping you to remember. Believe me it is much more efficient, faster, fun, than looking for a path struggling, cleansing the past, to reach an hypothetical nirvana

Shift and raise your energy field in a new way

Short, intense, safe and powerful of 2 minutes videos


An activation is a short, safe, fun energetic shifter to awaken your sleeping inner quantum abilities, remembering the Perfection you are and always have been.

Activations facilitate letting go of previous old beliefs, schemas and old paradigms.

Activations allow you to safely enter the present moment, to embrace yourself in your Original being and create a beautiful future in this moment.

24 activations with online Videos

Inner Portal, DNA, Alignment, Sacred Feminine and Masculine Union code, are just part of the 24 ReXxel video activations.

Private Online HD Video of The ReXxel Video Activations

It is 6 seasons of 4 videos each, take time to integrate and let 14 days between each season.

Your awareness will be more accurate
then observe every surroundings events in your energetic field, and your life.

From personal development to spirituality

You have done a beautiful work on the personal development field, understanding the main schemas of fear, jealousy, anger, …

You life is still no so coherent, some struggle here and there.

From spirituality to multidimensionality

You have done a lot of women circles, and squared talks, triangulation of love, womb healing.

You have experimented the path of hoponono, forgiveness, Archangels, Elementals, and the consciousness of time, realities, subtles worlds.

Transgenerational works and a lot of meditations.

From devotion to freedom

You are so amazed by this charimastic speaker or coach on the web, thanks to the talent and vibe.

It is also a time to let this devotion and going to your devotion of Yourself as a path to Self-mastering.

Everything is Perfection

ReXxel Dimension is a philosophy of multidimensional life
Connecting to Yourself, having the ability to create Safe Energetic spaces of love, manifesting

Everything is Perfection

ReXxel Dimension is an philosophy of multidimensional life
Connecting to Yourself, having the ability to create Safe Energetic spaces of love, manifesting the life you want.
Be align, be in Joy then Manifest to create an everyday magic moments


ReXxel Dimension create a beautiful environment to generate a better rythm of life

Your body is your vessel

Benefit in that time to do body work such as Yoga and in the same time a perfect Diet, and creating joy playful time (music, art, dancing,walks, laugh…)



  • Online video subscription
  • Individual activations

ReXxel Cube Activator

ReXxel is a energetic life changing.

Try the ReXxel Cube Activator

To empower your meditation, your healing session

It is your “clients” that will give you your first feedback. Usually it is something like that :” What have you done today it is impressive and different”

Your ability to realign is faster and catching the energy field is multiplied,

More immediate downloads and messages from the quantum field

A original Set of vibrational Objects to harmonize your house, your company, or empowered your healing or self-healing.

Coming Soon and

available in pre-order


Foudyl is a multicreative professional of digital art and high consciousness explorer.
As a result of multidimensionality coherence, Foudyl is a quantum field explorer, picking up back all the useful light downloads to express them in the matter through mesmerizing particular and original videos.

Film director, designer, compositer, musician, painter, photograph, programmer, Object and jewelry designer and producer, 3D and fractal art designer, special effects,…

Foudyl get his inspiration and influence from quantum physics, nutrition, yoga, reiki shamballa, history of art and civilisations.